Hair Update

“Hair Update”

For those of you new to OnyxLouisville, I cut my hair in May of last year.  Pretty much all of my life my hair was long.  My goal was to have “bra strap” hair (hair that touched my bra strap), but once it became close to that length, I realized how difficult it can be.  Working out was hard because I hated the feel my hair on my neck.  I was constantly pulling the hair out of the back of my shirt.  Of course it had its privileges like being able to pull it back into a ponytail on a bad hair day.  There were also a lot more options when it came to styles.

April 2008

But I took the hair plunge and chop, chop, chopped it off. Some said “why!”  Others said “wow!”  Some just said “hmmmm”.  But I liked it.  I cut it because 1) it’s just hair and 2) I had a hair theory.  My theory is that everyone’s hair is supposed to be a certain length.  Some people will always have short hair.  You know short to the extent that if they tried to pull it back in a ponytail it looks like a little sprout.  Others are meant to have long hair.  They are the ones that will cut their hair 8 inches on a Wednesday afternoon and by Thursday morning it’s already grown back.  I thought I was somewhere in the middle.

June 2008

So, it’s been half a year and my hair has started to grow back.  It’s about halfway (I think) from where I started.  I want to try to continue to grow it out for a full year.  When my birthday comes on May 26, I’ll decide if I prefer the long or short look.

This is what we need to realize: if you’re thinking about making change in your life – go for it!  Don’t let others talk you out of it because you know yourself better than anybody.  If you want to decorate your room a different way – do it!  If it’s time to start looking for a new job – make it work (just don’t quit your day job in advance).  If you want to get a tattoo that says “OnyxLouisville” across your back – represent…  yeah, no… don’t do that one! Challenge yourself to step out of the box.  Make new friends. But honestly, leave the hate in 08 and shine in 09.  You can’t succeed if you don’t try and you never know the outcome that could happen!

M.Y.  January 2009

Hair Theory/ Get Out and Vote

Hair Theory/Get Out & Vote

May08-2Topic 1: I have a theory about women and hair.  I honestly believe that a woman’s hair is  pre-determined to be a certain length.  Have you ever noticed that there are some women with short hair and no matter how hard they try to grow their hair out, it never grows long enough to put in a ponytail?

Then we have some women that have ‘long flowing locks’.  They are always complimented about their hair and sometimes asked if their real hair is a weave.  Sometimes these women will cut their hair short, but it seems like only several months later their hair is back to flowing and glowing. They walk out of the salon with their new cut, and by the time they walk to their car it’s already grown out an inch!

My hair (I believe) was pre-determined to be a couple of inches past my shoulders.  I used to want it to grow to ‘bra-strap’ length.  Through the wonders of added on hair, I was able to enjoy that for a couple of weeks during Christmas, but quickly realized it was overrated.  I’m now thinking in a different direction – I WANT TO CUT MY HAIR! (chop)

The thought has stayed in my mind for several weeks and every time I see a person with short hair I admire their ‘do (chop, chop).  With figure training, my life has become so much more active and I’m ready for change.  Some of my friends and co-workers say “Don’t do it!”.  But, hey, it’s just hair!  And if my theory is right, my hair will be right back to my shoulders in a year or so. Be on the lookout for shortened locks of love before my 32nd birthday at the end of the month (chop, chop, chop)!  And – iIf my theory is wrong – um, yeah, I didn’t think that far!

Topic 2:  The presidential election could have ended months ago, weeks ago or even days ago.  But it hasn’t. I was selfish and hoped the Obama/Clinton hype would come to KY so I too could take part and my vote would count. We are at a time where we could have our first African American or woman president.  This is monumental!  This could be one of those moments that in 30 years you sit back and reflect on with your grandchildren.  Don’t just sit back and not make your voice heard.  TUESDAY, MAY 20 – if you value your freedom, your rights and your voice – you’ll vote for the person that represents your values best!!


M.Y.  May 2008